shmuli@shum.Huji.AC.IL (05/29/88)
This is my third attempt to find out how to participate in the 50% discount for Telebit modems, so I am writing to this list with the hope that either Telebit or some other kind soul can help. Please note that out site is the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in ISRAEL (that's overseas). I no longer follow this list so please reply directly to me. Thank you. shmuli@HUJICS shmuli@humus.Huji.AC.IL shmuli%humus@RELAY.CS.NET (Piet Beertema) (05/31/88)
This is my third attempt to find out how to participate in the 50% discount for Telebit modems, so I am writing to this list As I understand it, Telebit doesn't deal directly with sites outside the USA. One reason is most likely that PTT's outside the USA all have their own sets of requirements, often needing a special firmware version. In Holland we have worked out (together with our national Unix User Group) a deal, roughly similar to the USENET offer, with the Dutch supplier of the Trailblazers. I suggest you find a supplier in Israel (or elsewhere in Europe, but willing to deal with Israeli sites) and work out a similar deal. -- Piet Beertema, CWI, Amsterdam (