[comp.dcom.modems] 9600 baud over high-quality audio channel

jbn@glacier.STANFORD.EDU (John B. Nagle) (06/21/88)

     I'd like to transmit 9600 baud, simplex, (one-way) over a good-quality
audio channel that can handle at least 10KHz.  The transmit end must be
small and consume modest power; this is a telemetry application.  Telephone
oriented modems assume a much narrower audio bandwidth (about 3-4KHz) and
thus must use very elaborate techniques to cram 9600 baud into that narrow
a bandwidth.  I'm looking for something simpler, with about 1 baud/Hz
channel utilization.  This should be about as complex as a 2400 baud modem,
for which there exist single-chip versions such as the Fairchild
F2224.  But that chip can't be turned up to 9600 baud, as far as I know.
Any better ideas?

    The guys who want to push more bits through VHF FM repeaters might
have some ideas on this.

					John Nagle

bill@videovax.Tek.COM (William K. McFadden) (06/24/88)

In article <17507@glacier.STANFORD.EDU> jbn@glacier.STANFORD.EDU (John B. Nagle) writes:

>     I'd like to transmit 9600 baud, simplex, (one-way) over a good-quality
>audio channel that can handle at least 10KHz.

This might seem too obvious, but why not connect the output of your RS-232 port
directly to the input of your audio channel (using suitable attenuation and DC
blocking)?  At the receive end you would probably want some sort of active
filtering and schmitt triggering to recover the data.  The problems I could
see with this are: no error correction, and the DC level of your data is not
guaranteed to be constant.  Using software, you could encode your data to avoid
these problems.  This would be cheapest from a hardware standpoint, but rather
dependent on software.

Another method is one that a friend of mine used to build a cassette interface.
In this method you use a microprocessor to generate one frequency for mark and
a different one for space.  For example, if your highest frequency has a period
of t, then one transition (high-to-low or low-to-high) per period would be a
zero, and two transitions would be a one.  This has an advantage over the
previous method because the output has a constant DC level (e.g., it is always
an AC signal).  The receive end would be the same as the last example with a
microprocessor decoding the input.

A (very) little theory:

In the first example, the raw data is sent over the interface.  Somebody's
(Shannon's?) theorem says you need b/2 bandwidth for data where b is the baud
rate.  We can see this by looking at an RS-232 link sending
an uppercase U (ignore the start and stop bits for the moment).  This gives a
bit pattern of 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1.  Each of these bits occupies 1/b seconds (e.g.,
1/9600 for a 9600 baud link).  We can see it takes two of these bauds to
complete one cycle, so the frequency is b/2 (e.g., 4800 Hz for a 9600 baud
link).  Thus, a 10 KHz channel could carry data at 19200 baud.  Likewise, 9600
baud data would require a 5 KHz channel.  This all assumes a noiseless channel,
of course.  Adding noise would reduce the maximum data rate for a given
channel, but I don't remember the exact relationship.

In the second channel, you can see the bandwidth is b, rather than b/2 because
now we are using a half-cycle of carrier for zero and a whole cycle for one.
Hence, a continuous stream of ones would produce a tone of frequency b.  A 9600
baud link would require a 10 KHz channel.

Well, there's a couple of ideas.  The implementation is left as an exercise for
the reader.  If I got any of this wrong, I'm sure we'll all hear about it.

Bill McFadden    Tektronix, Inc.  P.O. Box 500  MS 58-639  Beaverton, OR  97077
UUCP: bill@videovax.Tek.COM,  {hplabs,uw-beaver,decvax}!tektronix!videovax!bill
GTE: (503) 627-6920         "How can I prove I am not crazy to people who are?"

brian@cbw1.UUCP (Brian Cuthie) (06/26/88)

In article <5063@videovax.Tek.COM> bill@videovax.Tek.COM (William K. McFadden) writes:
>>     I'd like to transmit 9600 baud, simplex, (one-way) over a good-quality
>>audio channel that can handle at least 10KHz.
>This might seem too obvious, but why not connect the output of your RS-232 port
>directly to the input of your audio channel (using suitable attenuation and DC
>blocking)?  At the receive end you would probably want some sort of active
>filtering and schmitt triggering to recover the data.  The problems I could

The first problem I see with this is that the audio path is not DC coupled
and thus you would have big problems with data that was all marking.  Now if
you MFM encoded the data you might get by, but I doubt it.  This is why
people invented modems for phone lines (audio channels -- right ?).


CASE Communications Inc.
High Speed Modem Group
Columibia, MD 21046
Brian D. Cuthie                                 uunet!umbc3!cbw1!brian
Columbia, MD                                    brian@umbc3.umd.edu
"Captain, Captain! All the stars have gone out!"
"No, you fool,you've leaned on the button.  Turn the viewer back on!"

charles@c3engr.UUCP (Charles Green) (06/27/88)

In article <189@cbw1.UUCP> brian@cbw1.UMD.EDU (Brian Cuthie) writes:
>In article <5063@videovax.Tek.COM> bill@videovax.Tek.COM (William K. McFadden) writes:
>>This might seem too obvious, but why not connect the output of your RS-232
>>port directly to the input of your audio channel (using suitable attenuation
>>and DC blocking)?  At the receive end you would probably want some sort of
>>active filtering and schmitt triggering to recover the data.  The problems I

>The first problem I see with this is that the audio path is not DC coupled
>and thus you would have big problems with data that was all marking.  Now if

I would expect his Schmitt trigger to take care of that; data that was all
marking would be seen as approaching 0 volts at the receiving end.  The trigger
will fire only on the edges of the input waveform, as the output voltage
exceeds the hysteresis.  For example:

       +V ---   ---                          ---   ---   ---
Input  0V              (data all marking)
       -V    ---   --------------------------   ---   ---   ---
      ++V                                     --   _
       +V -__   -__  (ac coupling goes to 0)        --   -__      __
Output 0V             ____-------------------    __                 Threshold
       +V    _--   _--                          -     _--   _--   --

Note that after the marking condition, you have a higher-than-normal positive
voltage, but provided that your receive threshold is correctly set, you
should still be okay, although noise certainly needs to be dealt with.

>you MFM encoded the data you might get by, but I doubt it.  This is why
>people invented modems for phone lines (audio channels -- right ?).

I would expect that the technique of locking onto a frequency-shift signal
(a la Bell modems) to be relatively immune to noise, as is FM ("No Static at
#ident	"@(#).signature	1.5 :~charles/s..signature 04/27/88 21:40:43"
TwoBitNet: 460 Herndon Pkwy, Herndon, VA 22091-1928	UUCP:decuac!c3*!charles

johng@trwind.UUCP (06/29/88)

In article <189@cbw1.UUCP> brian@cbw1.UMD.EDU (Brian Cuthie) writes:
>In article <5063@videovax.Tek.COM> bill@videovax.Tek.COM (William K. McFadden) writes:
>>>     I'd like to transmit 9600 baud, simplex, (one-way) over a good-quality
>>>audio channel that can handle at least 10KHz.
>>This might seem too obvious, but why not connect the output of your RS-232 port
>>directly to the input of your audio channel (using suitable attenuation and DC
>>blocking)?  At the receive end you would probably want some sort of active
>>filtering and schmitt triggering to recover the data.  The problems I could
>The first problem I see with this is that the audio path is not DC coupled
>and thus you would have big problems with data that was all marking.  Now if
>you MFM encoded the data you might get by, but I doubt it.  This is why
>people invented modems for phone lines (audio channels -- right ?).

This type of thing has been done before by Standard Microsystems Corporation
(SMC) with their ARCNET chipset.  Data Rates of up to 2.5 MegaBits/sec have
been acheived on standard phone line.  The Network driver IC (COM9032 I think)
is rather extpensive (~$30) but the concept it operates on can be done 
descreetly for little money.  It transmits a 'dipulse' for a logical 1 and
nothing for a zero.  Since RS232 characters are framed with a start and stop
bit, it should not require anything special to reconstuct the signals.  The
data book is pretty decriptive on how it works and I think that it even has
a partial schematic of what is inside of the chip.  

Hope this helps.

John E. Greene    "People are just like frankfurters....You have to decide
                   if you're going to be a hot dog or just another wiener" DLR
TRW Information Networks Division 23800 Hawthorne Blvd, Torrance CA 90505
ARPA: johng@trwind.ind.TRW.COM  USENET: ..trwrb!trwind!johng

brian@cbw1.UUCP (Brian Cuthie) (07/03/88)

In article <403@trwind.UUCP> johng@trwind.UUCP (John Greene) writes:
>In article <189@cbw1.UUCP> brian@cbw1.UMD.EDU (Brian Cuthie) writes:
>>In article <5063@videovax.Tek.COM> bill@videovax.Tek.COM (William K. McFadden) writes:
>>>>     I'd like to transmit 9600 baud, simplex, (one-way) over a good-quality
>>>>audio channel that can handle at least 10KHz.
>>>This might seem too obvious, but why not connect the output of your RS-232 port
>>>directly to the input of your audio channel (using suitable attenuation and DC
>>>blocking)?  At the receive end you would probably want some sort of active
>>>filtering and schmitt triggering to recover the data.  The problems I could
>>The first problem I see with this is that the audio path is not DC coupled
>>and thus you would have big problems with data that was all marking.  Now if
>>you MFM encoded the data you might get by, but I doubt it.  This is why
>>people invented modems for phone lines (audio channels -- right ?).
>This type of thing has been done before by Standard Microsystems Corporation
>(SMC) with their ARCNET chipset.  Data Rates of up to 2.5 MegaBits/sec have
>been acheived on standard phone line.  The Network driver IC (COM9032 I think)

Actually, the reason that works is because you have a whole lot more
bandwidth over that line that you would think.  If you want to pass data
through the PSTN (public switched telephone network) or any other bandwidth
limited channel, then you MUST modulate the data on a carrier that will be
passed by the channel.  The "di-bit" scheme will not work through audio
channels (phone lines, other than 3002 DC continuity circuits, are
considered to be audio paths) because the channel will act as a low pass
filter and change the shape of the pulses to the point that they will be
completely meaningless by the time the get to the other end; if they even

What a modem does, is modulate the data onto a carrier that is well within
the bandwidth limits of the channel presented by a phone line.  You can get
away without a modem so long as the channel (read: wire) doesn't have any
low pass filters (like loading coils).  This is exactly how the ISDN
system is supposed to work.  Since most audio paths are bandwidth limited to
about 20 to 20k hz (at best), you are going to have big troubles passing
raw di-bits through them.   Good luck though.  If you can make it work
you will put the whole modem industry out of business (of course so will
ISDN -- eventually).


Brian Cuthie
CASE communications
Columbia, MD 21046
Brian D. Cuthie                                 uunet!umbc3!cbw1!brian
Columbia, MD                                    brian@umbc3.umd.edu
"Captain, Captain! All the stars have gone out!"
"No, you fool, you've leaned on the button.  Turn the viewer back on!"