[comp.dcom.modems] Trailblazer and Xenix

wtm@neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) (07/22/88)


We have Santa Cruz Operation's Xenix 2.2.2 running on our model 80
PS/2.  I hacked the generic Hayes HAYES.C or whatever it was called
dialer to send the porper initialization string for the trailblazer
and also changed the expected return strings in a few places.  It
was really only about two hours worth of effort.  I are an
engineer, so an experienced software craftsperson could probably do
it quite quickly.  I made a separate dialer for each baud rate at
which the Trailblazer was to be used, with corresponding entries in
the L.sys file.

Ultimately, we talked SCO into giving us Honey DAN BER uucp, which
is only minorly buggy.  I don't know who to contact at SCO, but
they do have HDB available if you prod around some.  I guess I
should clarify that the bugs aren't serious, being only that silly
values for xfer rates, etc. appear in the log files.  The g
protocol and dailer software seems OK.  HDB makes supporting
unusual modems, such as Trailblazers, much less hassle.

In some ways, the latest generic System V modem cap way of doing
things is better than HDB, as it has the advantage of database
modem descriptions a la HDB.  Sys V also allows limited branching in
the dialer script, thus permitting more explicict results to to posted
to stderr (and thus LOGFILE too).  Alas, Xenix doesn't seem to have
picked this AT&T "feature" up yet.

Hope this helps,

PS: the map file for us is way out of date, try a path like: