[comp.dcom.modems] Looking for High-speed X.25 card

schacht@tgate.UUCP (7618) (07/22/88)

I am looking for a X.25 intelligent card that can run at high speeds.  I
would like to connect to a T1 line 1.5 Mbits/sec.  I would appreciate any
information on cards that others may have had experience with in this
environment.  Please send e-mail to: hplabs!felix!tgate!bryan if you know of
any vendors that make high speed cards, even if they aren't quite up to T1
capability.  Also, send me mail if you would like a copy of the results I

Ideally, this card will run under DOS on a 286-AT, but I am also interested
in 386 versions for Xenix and DOS.  I also would like to hear about your
experiences using these type cards in a VSAT network.

Thanks for the help,

Bryan Schacht
UVC Corp.

gregb@dowjone.UUCP (Greg_Baber) (07/26/88)

In article <24@tgate.UUCP> schacht@tgate.UUCP (7618) writes:
>I am looking for a X.25 intelligent card that can run at high speeds.  I
>would like to connect to a T1 line 1.5 Mbits/sec.  I would appreciate any
>information on cards that others may have had experience with in this
[stuff eaten here]
>Ideally, this card will run under DOS on a 286-AT, but I am also interested
>in 386 versions for Xenix and DOS.  I also would like to hear about your
>experiences using these type cards in a VSAT network.
>Thanks for the help,

I, too have a need for hardware like this. My requirements are for a minimum of
32 logical channels, with the appropriate driver software to access/manage
these channels effectively. Any and all leads will be appreciated.

>Bryan Schacht
>UVC Corp.

Reply to: Gregory S. Baber		Voice:	(609) 520-5077
	  Dow Jones & Co., Inc.		E-mail:	..princeton!dowjone!gregb
	  Box 300
	  Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0300