[comp.dcom.modems] Are any of these thingies compatible?

spector@vx2.GBA.NYU.EDU (David HM Spector) (08/03/88)

I am sure this has been asked before, but...

	Are any of the various 9600 bps modems compatible?  E.g., can I have
	a USR HST modem talk to a TrailBlazer?

(I am trying to decide which to get for general, everyday use, as well as an
eventual news feed for my MacintoshII...)

David HM Spector				New York University
Senior Systems Programmer			Graduate School of Business
Arpa: SPECTOR@GBA.NYU.EDU			Academic Computing Center
UUCP:...!{allegra,rocky,harvard}!cmcl2!spector	90 Trinity Place, Rm C-4
HamRadio: N2BCA      MCIMail: DSpector          New York, New York 10006
AppleLink: D1161     CompuServe: 71260,1410     (212) 285-6080
"What computer puts out work like this?"  "Hire us and we'll tell you."
Relay-Version: version nyu B notes v1.5 12/10/84; site vx2.NYU.EDU
From: spector@vx2.GBA.NYU.EDU (David HM Spector)
Date: 2-Aug-88 15:42 EDT
Date-Received: 2-Aug-88 15:42 EDT
Subject: Re: Public Access Unix systems
Message-ID: <7650007@vx2.GBA.NYU.EDU>
Path: vx2!spector
Newsgroups: comp.misc
Posting-Version: version nyu B notes v1.5 12/10/84; site vx2.GBA.NYU.EDU
Organization: New York University
References: <Jul.>

Ah, but the next semi-logical question is:  How does one get an account
on dasys1?  The one time I was able to get to the machine, it offered
me a login prompt, and no clue (yes, I tried, "guest", et al..) of
how to get started...

David HM Spector				New York University
Senior Systems Programmer			Graduate School of Business
Arpa: SPECTOR@GBA.NYU.EDU			Academic Computing Center
UUCP:...!{allegra,rocky,harvard}!cmcl2!spector	90 Trinity Place, Rm C-4
HamRadio: N2BCA      MCIMail: DSpector          New York, New York 10006
AppleLink: D1161     CompuServe: 71260,1410     (212) 285-6080
"What computer puts out work like this?"  "Hire us and we'll tell you."