root@busker.FIDONET.ORG (Hal Nevis) (11/06/88)
hn> ZOOM Telephonics $169 hn> Practical Peripherals PM2400SA $189 hn> Supra Corporation Supra Modem 2400 $149 hn> hn> Has anyone out in netland had any experiences ( good or bad ) with any There are two Fido nodes in Portland running on the Supramodem without any problem. Five friends have purchased it at my suggestion and I have heard nothing but positive comments. I purchased one for my nephew in Israel. It is functioning well over there despite the lousy phone lines. -- Hal Nevis - via FidoNet node 1:105/14 UUCP: ...!{uunet!oresoft, tektronix!reed}!busker!root ARPA: root@busker.FIDONET.ORG (Elliot B Dierksen) (11/08/88)
I have had good experience so far with a Smart One 2400X that i got for $119!! Elliot Dierksen