[comp.dcom.modems] info on virsus

rwi@naucse.UUCP (Robert Wier) (11/11/88)

 I note that there has been a book published by Van Nostrand Reinhold
 titled "The Computer Virus Crises", 160 pg, $19.95.  Has anyone 
 seen this yet (it's a new title).  Is it worthwhile?  I may be
 teaching a networking class in the spring, and it would 
 seem reasonable to look at virus, worms, trojan horses, etc.

 However, a number of years ago I swore I would never adopt a 
 VNR book, due to their desk copy policy for faculty, so I 
 would not do so now, unless its *very* worthwhile.

 thanks in advance -

 -Bob Wier at Flagstaff, Arizona   Northern Arizona University
  College of Engineering           *usual disclaimers*
  NAU Box 15600                    ...arizona!naucse!rwi
  Flagstaff, Az.                   BITNET: WIER@NAUVAX
  86011                            602-523-2052
                                   (note: Bitnet node NAUVAX may not be 
                                    known yet to all stations)

  College Motto:  "The highest level of engineering in the Southwest 
                                 (7,000 feet)"