[comp.dcom.modems] Telebit questions

johnl@esegue.uucp (John Levine) (07/23/89)

Two telebit questions:

1 - I have a 25 MHz 386/ix box.  Will I actually get better uucp throughput
from a Plus than a T1000?

2 - Where should I buy one?  Telebit has this strange policy that when you
call them up, they'll give you the name of only one distributor in your
area, chosen at random.  Any good distributors?  How much should I expect to
pay?  I know about the 1/2 price offer, but given that my company has a
total of two machines, the grief involved in getting a domain name doesn't
seem worth it at this point.

John R. Levine, Segue Software, POB 349, Cambridge MA 02238, +1 617 492 3869
{ima|lotus}!esegue!johnl, johnl@ima.isc.com, Levine@YALE.something
Massachusetts has 64 licensed drivers who are over 100 years old.  -The Globe

rsj@wa4mei.UUCP (Randy Jarrett WA4MEI) (07/24/89)

In article <1989Jul22.215657.7378@esegue.uucp> johnl@esegue.UUCP (John Levine) writes:
++>Two telebit questions:
++>1 - I have a 25 MHz 386/ix box.  Will I actually get better uucp throughput
++>from a Plus than a T1000?
++>2 - Where should I buy one?  Telebit has this strange policy that when you
++>call them up, they'll give you the name of only one distributor in your
++>area, chosen at random.  Any good distributors?  How much should I expect to
++>pay?  I know about the 1/2 price offer, but given that my company has a
++>total of two machines, the grief involved in getting a domain name doesn't
++>seem worth it at this point.

I found the TB+ available from The Super Source here in atlanta for 

Randy Jarrett  WA4MEI 
UUCP  ...!gatech!wa4mei!rsj        | US SNAIL: P.O. Box 941217
PHONE +1 404 493 9017		   |           Atlanta, GA 30341-0217

jimmy@denwa.uucp (Jim Gottlieb) (07/26/89)

In article <2417@wa4mei.UUCP> rsj@wa4mei.UUCP (Randy Jarrett WA4MEI) writes:
>In article <1989Jul22.215657.7378@esegue.uucp> johnl@esegue.UUCP (John Levine) writes:
>++>1 - I have a 25 MHz 386/ix box.  Will I actually get better uucp throughput
>++>from a Plus than a T1000?
>++>2 - Where should I buy one?  Telebit has this strange policy that when you
>I found the TB+ available from The Super Source here in atlanta for 

But you can get the T1000 for $535.  You just have to bargain.  I got
mine from Discovery Electronics in GA.
                              Jim Gottlieb
  E-Mail: <jimmy@denwa.uucp> or <jimmy@pic.ucla.edu> or <attmail!denwa!jimmy>
         V-Mail: (213) 551-7702  Fax: 478-3060  The-Real-Me: 824-5454