eli@spdcc.COM (Steve Elias) (08/16/89)
this probably belongs in the new product announcement group, but i'm not sure if you folks read that one! Brooktrout has announced a twin channel, DID fax card. this is a first in the market -- both the twin channel, and DID capability. DID will allow each person at a site to have their own fax number -- this solves the problem of routing the fax to the proper person, or proper computer. check the current issues of Network World, MIS Week, and InfoWorld for more information. feel free to contact me directly as well... i'm not really up on the details of these new products, but i have read the Network World article and do speak with the folks at Brooktrout occasionally. -- ... Steve Elias (eli@spdcc.com);6172399406;6178906844;6178591389; {} /* */