[comp.dcom.modems] BBC in-modem

slug@batserver.cs.uq.oz (slug) (10/11/89)

	Recently I have obtained access to a BBC Master series
	with an in modem. The trouble is I have no manuals or
	information on the modem. What I would really like,
	if somebody happens to have the information, is:

		a) Some infromation on the protocol the modem
		   uses (ie., how to dial up, set baud rates etc.

		b) Maybe a simple terminal emulator or some ideas.
		   I have the code for a simple emulator but cannot tell
		   if it works as I don't know the protocol to talk
		   to the modem.
	The only tech information I have on the modem is that it
	was made by NettComm (Australia) and the chip has a
	number V25.******* (not really sure what follows).

	Any help would be greatly appreciated. Email to me
	any replies,


    David McCullough
    Dept. Comp. Sci			slug@batserver.uq.cs.oz.au
    University of Queensland    