willisa@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Mark Willis) (11/13/89)
I have recently come into posession of a Plessey Dataplug 2 modem, however I am unable to make it work The modem flashes the ready light on the front panel, and refuses to do anything. The display does not show anything, and there is no response to typing on the keypad. It is possible to make the ready light go out by setting something impossible on the dip switches (like 2 baud rates), so I assume that if I can make the ready light stay on, then all will be well. Does anyone have any experience with this or a similar modem, which could help me? Is any strange configuration required of the RS-232-C port? I have tried all the usual setups with no success. If it is of any help, the following pins are connected internally: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 17, 20, 22 & 24. Mark ---- -- BITNET: willisa%cs.glasgow.ac.uk@ukacrl.bitnet | Just for Del: JANet: willisa@uk.ac.gla.cs | "Wouldn't you gladly leave ARPA: willisa@cs.glasgow.ac.uk | behind the part of you that USENET: ...!mcsun!ukc!cs.glasgow.ac.uk!willisa | is so unkind"