[comp.dcom.modems] MOD96


I'm looking for a 9600 b/sec modem for use in my BBS. Best thing would be,
if anybody wants to sell his to e-mail me. The problem I have to cope with
is the necessity to be able to auto-fallback (300 baud are not required, but
1200 bps & 2400 bps are essential (CCITT-Standard). If anybody could give me
help on the following items:
    a) which modem ist reliable and Hayes compatible enough for the use
       with a BBS using an 286 AT on MS-DOS /w 4DOS
    b) what are the prices for such a thing
    c) have you got one that you'd like to sell (I'm no corporate guy but
       a student so anything (used) that is over $ 500 is not what I can af-

I think this list focuses more on Unix-specific topics, so please just e-mail
me . Thanks in advance,