[comp.dcom.modems] Modems and Telephone Lines

sekoppenhoef@rose.waterloo.edu (Shawn E. Koppenhoefer) (11/22/89)

>>For most phone lines there are four wires.  They are really two pairs of
>>wires.  Each pair is for a separate phone line.  ...
>Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  There are about ten different ways that a
>four-wire modular jack can be hooked up.  The usual scheme with one phone

I was the author of the latest original question here.
The setup that I finally arrived at was to hook a LED_red in series with
a 5ohm resistor to the green and yellow lines on my phone. 
I left the red and black (i think black is ground) alone. This provides
*my* end of the phone with a red light when either it or the other phone
is off the hook. Unfortunately my light sucks too much power from the
line so that the *other* led on the other phone cannot shine RED.
I suppose the solution is an op-amp or something but I'm naive in this area.
It is ok as it is... At least *I* know when the line is in use... the
other phone doesn't though.  <sigh>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|       _ _	KLEIN BOTTLE for sale...
	Shawn E. Koppenhoefer |	       |                      enquire within.
 ...watmath!rose!sekoppenhoef |	       -		 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sekoppenhoef@rose.uwaterloo.ca sekoppenhoef@rose.uwaterloo.edu