[comp.dcom.modems] Using UFGATE on FD/QBBS

J_STEPHEN_HALL@cup.portal.com (01/09/90)


 I've been operating a FD/QBBS based BBS for about a year and have decided
to try and link with Usenet.  Does anyone have any suggestions for
linking UFGATE to FrontDoor/QuickBBS?  
 I'm looking for a FD/QBBS specific doc file.

  Many thanks, Steve

.UUCP: ucbvax!sun!portal!cup.portal.com!j_stephen_hall|         .
.ARPANET and INTERNET domains please use:             |         .
.       portal!j_stephen_hall%cupertino.pcc@suncom    |   ;-)   .
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.       Fido: 1:137/208            Eggnet: 99/9008/208|         .

Nanook@tlsi.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Dickinson) (01/11/90)

In an article of <9 Jan 90 01:36:47 GMT>, J_STEPHEN_HALL@cup.portal.com writes:
 >  Hi,
 > I've been operating a FD/QBBS based BBS for about a year and have 
 >to try and link with Usenet.  Does anyone have any suggestions for
 >linking UFGATE to FrontDoor/QuickBBS?  
 > I'm looking for a FD/QBBS specific doc file.
 >  Many thanks, Steve

Your best bet is to simply subscribe to the UFGATE conference on Fidonet.

There are already a couple of people useing that setup currently with UFGATE
right now.

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