[comp.dcom.modems] PP re long packets and baud rate conversion

david@wubios.wustl.edu (David J. Camp) (01/16/90)

I called Practical Peripherals to discuss the problem we were having
with MNP modems connecting at a fixed 9600 baud to the host and long
kermit packets.  I reported that at low baud rates, when the modem was
communicating with the host at 9600 baud, that the kermit transfers
failed when using 1K packets, but not with 500 byte packets.  I could
not remember whether it failed when in MNP mode with 1k packets.  He
said that the modem was not designed to convert between a high and low
baud rate unless it was running in MNP mode, so the behavior we observed
at low baud rates was expected.  He suggested that I retry with MNP mode
and large packets and call back if there is a problem.  -David-

Bitnet:   david@wubios.wustl                ^      Mr. David J. Camp
Internet: david%wubios@wugate.wustl.edu   < * >    Box 8067, Biostatistics
uucp:     uunet!wugate!wubios!david         v      660 South Euclid
Washington University (314) 36-23635               Saint Louis, MO 63110