david@erm.oz (David Hayward) (03/21/90)
A friend asked me to post the following: Has anyone had problems with the following configuration? Motorola Delta Series (MI47) 25MHz 68030 - 8MB (SysVR3) Telebit Trailblazer - uucp support mode ON connected to Motorola MVME332xt serial card - 9600 baud - CTS/RTS enabled - connecting to identical machine It fails in (INTER/PRE) file negotiation 70% of the time. It works ok but slow if uucp support turned off. Please mail responses to me and I will summarise to the net. Thanks. David Hayward --- Earth Resource Mapping, 130 Hay St, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008 Phone: +61 9 388 2900 Fax: +61 9 388 2901 ACSnet: david@erm.oz.au