[comp.dcom.modems] 9600 Baud Modem

wb69@tygra.UUCP (Alan Beck) (04/14/90)

I'm looking for a 9600 baud modem for my BBS. It doesn't have to be dual
standard or anything, just go at 9600 baud. The *ONLY* requirement is
that it will be able to answer all my calls betwenn 300 and 9600 baud...
Please E-Mail if possible with responses. Or call:

BBS 414-295-4301 (I'm the Sysop)
Home 414-294-6493 After 6 PM CST. **CALL COLLECT IF YOU WISH!!**
US Snail (I don't know why anyone would want to Snail me but if they do...)
Alan Beck
Rt. 1 Box 387
Princeton Wi, 54968 USA

So, does anyone got a used 9600 laying around when they upgraded to a 
Dual Standard????


Here comes um screwy .sig file which I can't controll............

=  CAT-TALK Conferencing Network, Prototype Computer Conferencing System  =
-  1-800-825-3069, 300/1200/2400/9600 baud, 8/N/1. New users use 'new'    - 
=  as a login id.    <<Redistribution to GEnie PROHIBITED!!!>>>           =
E-MAIL Address: wb69@ThunderCat.COM