[comp.dcom.modems] Info about V.32 modem needed

ARROW@DMRHRZ11.BITNET (Armin Roth) (05/27/90)

hello, all

some time ago somebody on this list asked:
>I saw an ad from the ONLINE Store on the back cover of CompuServe Magazine
>for a True V.32 modem at $499.  This is a private label version of the
>E-Tech internal modem described in the June '89 Byte article according to
>the salesman.  For single units you have to add 7% plus shipping bringing
>cost to about $540.  They claim throughput to 19,200 BPS and Hayes
>compatibility.  The external version is $100 more.  Call (805)650-0188
>for more info.  Has anyone used the E-Tech box?

I have called on them, and they were quite helpful. But, nevertheless I'd
like to know if someone has bought it and what were his experiences. I am
running a BBS under DV/DOS on a 386 25MHz, if that is of informational use
for you. Any information will be appreciated very much, Armin

BITNET/EARN: ARROW@DMRHRZ11.BITNET         | --------------                   |
GT-NET: Armin Roth @ 803/008 (sysop)       | ----------- \ \                  |
or  : DMRHRZ11.BITNET!Arrow@tub.UUCP       |               \ \                |
INTERNET: ARROW%DMRHRZ11@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU   | Privat:         \ \--------------|
Armin Roth                                 | Markt 11          \--------------|
Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der  | 3550 Marburg                     |
Philipps-Universitaet Marburg              | W-Germany                        |
Universitaetsstrasse 25                    | Tel.: +49 6421 21441 (GT-BBS)    |
3550 Marburg                               |       - available for voice calls|
W-Germany                                  |       btw. 8:00 & 24:00 MEZ      |
                                           | or:   + 49 6421 22370 only voice |
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