tss@lanl.gov (Timothy S Sullivan) (07/03/90)
I recently purchased a PC compatible (Leading Edge model D) for light word processing at home and as a terminal to connect to Unix systems (Suns) at work. I'm looking for a recommendation of what modem to purchase. I would like at least 2400 baud and MNP5. I don't know enough to avoid the cheap modems that are cheap for a reason and ones that may be just good buys. Its more important for me to get a modem that works well over the long run than to spend the least amount of money. Also, I would be willing to spend a little more money if there was some useful feature available, though I don't want to spend more than $300 or so. (A useful feature might be FAX capability or increased speed. What's the cheapest Telebit go for these days?) I'm also interested in reasonably priced or public-domain software that might be better at communicating with Unix than a terminal program like Procomm. Thanks for any ideas/recommendations. Tim Sullivan (tss@lanl.gov) /* Given my position, the idea of me speaking *\ /* for the Lab is pretty funny. *\