[comp.dcom.modems] Forval Modem

bob@semantic.UUCP (08/01/90)


	I just read a products announcement for Forval modems.
Anybody ever hear of these?
	They claim transfer rates of 57.6 kilobits per second
through proprietary data compression.  Thats about 7300 byte/sec.

	I don't think I could utilize this if I wanted to.  My 
I/O ports run at 19.2K baud.  In the future I might be able to 
get out 38.4K baud.  Anybody know how many bytes per second can
can get through at 19.2K or 38.4K baud??

	They say it's v.32 and v.42bis compatable.

	Model: SA14400
	Price: $1245 (List?)
	Manuf: Forval America Inc.

	Anybody know any more about this modem?

-- Robert A. Gorman (Bob)        bob@rsi.com           Watertown MA US --
-- Relational Semantics, Inc.    uunet!semantic!bob    +1 617 926 0979 --