[net.records] XTC rumors

trb (04/07/83)

I had been spreading rumors I'd heard that XTC was in the process of
breaking up.  Well, there was talk, but it seems that they're still
together.  There is a new EP called 3D, but it's stuff from 1977.
They are allegedly working on a new album to be called Grave Tales.
	Andy Tannenbaum   Bell Labs  Whippany, NJ   (201) 386-6491

dbn (04/15/83)

The `new' album that Andy is talking about, namely 3D-EP, is actually the
first record that XTC ever released (from 1977).

I had heard that another recoed was coming out sometime this month, called
Fallen From The Garden -- it may just be some sort of pre-album EP.
Anyone else have any information?