[comp.dcom.modems] Is Migent

datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) (08/24/90)

I called an old number I had for Migent [ (702) 832-3700 ], and was told that
that number was no longer in service.  Is Migent or any other maker of
line-powered modems still around?

beak is                                                          beak is not

rkh@mtune.ATT.COM (Robert Halloran) (08/24/90)

In article <105291@convex.convex.com> datri@convex.com (Anthony A. Datri) writes:
>I called an old number I had for Migent [ (702) 832-3700 ], and was told that
>that number was no longer in service.  Is Migent or any other maker of
>line-powered modems still around?

Migent sold off the Pocket Modem to a spinoff of their own engineering 
group, now called Sierra MicroSystems.  As a P.M. owner, I received a flyer 
from them offering a trade-in on the 1200 against a 2400 baud version.  
Their address is: 

865 Tahoe Blvd, Suite 211
Call Box 14-224
Incline Village NV 89450	702-831-4600

This information is from my flyer file and is about 15 months old.  For 
all I know, these folks are gone as well.  They were selling the old 1200
baud versions for $85 in the information I received.

						Bob Halloran
Internet: rkh@mtune.dptg.att.com		UUCP: att!mtune!rkh		
Disclaimer: If you think AT&T would have ME as a spokesman, you're crazed.
Quote: "How do you know when a politician is lying?  His lips move." 
	- M-m-max Headroom
       "Read my lips - no new taxes..."  - G. Bush, 1988

tnixon@hayes.uucp (Toby Nixon) (08/24/90)

In article <105291@convex.convex.com>, datri@convex.com (Anthony A.
Datri) writes: 

> I called an old number I had for Migent [ (702) 832-3700 ], and was told that
> that number was no longer in service.  Is Migent or any other maker of
> line-powered modems still around?

The Migent modem never was line powered; it had a 9v. battery.  I 
believe they went out of business.  Another company that makes 
pocket-sized modems is Touchbase Systems (WorldPort modems) in 
Northport, NY; 516-754-3491.

Practical Peripherals recently announced (see last week's PC Week) a 
credit-card-sized line-powered pocket modem.  This one really 
doesn't have a battery, but draws its juice from the RS-232 
connector when on-hook and the phone line when off-hook.  They're 
located in Westlake Village, CA.

Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer     Fax:    +1-404-441-1213  Telex: 6502670805
Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc.  Voice:  +1-404-449-8791  CIS:    70271,404
Norcross, Georgia, USA             BBS:    +1-404-446-6336  MCI:       TNIXON
                                   Telemail: T.NIXON/HAYES  AT&T:     !tnixon
UUCP:   ...!uunet!hayes!tnixon     Internet:        hayes!tnixon@uunet.uu.net