[comp.dcom.modems] Help with Flow Control with VAX 11/780

markh@squirrel.LABS.TEK.COM (Mark Henderson) (08/29/90)

I'm trying to get a bunch of UDS V.3225 modems hooked up to a VAX 11/780
running 4.3BSD. It seems like the Vax doesn't support RTS/CTS flow control.
Since I want the serial port speed fixed at 19200 (users dial in with modems
ranging from 1200 bps V.22 to V.32), decent flow control is essential.

XON/XOFF is, of course, less than ideal for binary file transfers, people
who use programmes who (at least by default) need to send ^S and ^Q
(gnu emacs, but then they can rebind their keys).

I know that there are protocols for binary file transfers which avoid sending
^S and ^Q (I've heard that zmodem can quote these characters, also kermit
appears to work, but some of our applications have built in protocols
which we can't alter).

Anyway, what I need to know is there any way I can get RTS/CTS flow control
to work on between the V.3225's and the VAX?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mark Henderson
Computer Research Laboratory
Tektronix, Inc.
Mark Henderson, Tektronix, Inc., MS 50-662, P.O. Box 500, Beaverton, OR 97077
Telephone: +1 503 627 6280  FAX: +1 503 627 5502  TELEX: 6503784996MCI UW
INTERNET: markh@crl.labs.tek.com ATTmail: !mchenderson  MCI MAIL: 378-4996
X.400: ADMD=MCI/C=US/Surname=Henderson/Given_Name=Mark/DDA ID=3784996