[comp.dcom.modems] Where to buy Trailblazer Modems

RMC100@psuvm.psu.edu (Randy Carraghan) (08/30/90)

I'm planning on buying two 9600+ baud modems and have heard good things
about the Trailblazer.  If anyone has information on this or other good
9600 baud modems (specs, pricing, etc), I'd appreciate it greatly if you
could send it to me.  Thanks!

Randy (rmc100@psuvm.psu.edu

root@conexch.UUCP (Larry Dighera) (09/04/90)

In article <90241.132717RMC100@psuvm.psu.edu> RMC100@psuvm.psu.edu (Randy Carraghan) writes:
>I'm planning on buying two 9600+ baud modems and have heard good things
>about the Trailblazer.  If anyone has information on this or other good
>9600 baud modems (specs, pricing, etc), I'd appreciate it greatly if you
>could send it to me.  Thanks!
>Randy (rmc100@psuvm.psu.edu

I am a Telebit dealer and would be happy to supply your Trailblazer needs.
The Telebit modems have become the defacto standaard for moving the usenet
news on UNIX systems.  The support UUCP spoofing which no other modem 
does.  There are three models which you should consider.  The T1000 is 
a 9600 bps external modem.  The Ttailblazer + will do 9600 bps as well as
19.2 bps.  The T2500 adds V.32, V.42, & V.42 bis support.  Prices range
from $600.00 to $1,065.00.  Give me a call or send e-mail to discuss your

Best Regards,
Larry Dighera
Dighera Data Services
(714) 842-2862

USPS: The Consultants' Exchange, PO Box 12100, Santa Ana, CA  92712
TELE: (714) 842-6348: BBS (N81); (714) 842-5851: Xenix guest account (E71)
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