[comp.dcom.modems] HDB UUCP available for Dynix 3.0.17 ?

dewey@sequoia.execu.com (Dewey Henize) (10/12/90)

The subject says most of it.  I've got a Sequent and a Sun as my doors to the
outside world, and most of the gateway work gets done on the Sequent.  It's
kinda frustrating to be using the kludgy old UUCP in one window and the
newer (and IMHO better) stuff in the next window.

Is there an implementation of HDB UUCP for this beast?  I expect that there's
some charge, but if it's not too prohibitive I might be able to get it
approved (perhaps under medical benefits, ie keeping me more close to sane :-).

Thanks in advance for any pointers.


csg@able (Carl S. Gutekunst) (10/12/90)

Even if someone has done an HDB port to Dynix (besides Sequent, I mean), they
couldn't give it to you. HoneyDanBer UUCP (known in System V as the Basic
Networking Utilities) is licensed software of AT&T. To get source at all, you
need an SVR3 UNIX source license. To give it to someone else, you need a
redistribution license, and the person you're giving it to needs an SVR3
binary license.

The HDB source is quite portable, actually. Configured for 4.2BSD, it should
compile and run on Dynix with little hassle. Alas, few will be able to try.
