[comp.dcom.modems] Need to rent a Trailblazer...

paradis@crater.zk3.dec.com (Jim Paradis) (10/15/90)

Does anybody out there know of any companies that rent or lease
Telebit modems (Trailblazer+, T1500, or T2500)?  I have a T1000
in my PC at home, and I'd like to get my hands on another
PEP-compatible modem for a few months for a contracting gig I'm
working on.  I called all the computer-rental companies I could
find in the Yellow Pages, and most of them haven't even HEARD
of Trailblazers... all they've got are Hayes 2400's...

Jim Paradis, working at but not employed by DEC.	(603)881-1221
paradis@decvax.dec.com     			"All I got was a rock!"