[comp.dcom.modems] Error correcting modems for T1000

JUTBAAA@IUP.BITNET (Abhik Biswas) (10/23/90)

Date sent:  22-OCT-1990 23:44:44

Does anybody know about Error-correcting modems (internal) for T1000 computers?
Vendor and approx. cost will be appreciated.

|      Abhik  Biswas      | InterNet: JUTBAAA@oak.grove.iup.edu            |
|  Indiana University of  |                                                |
|      Pennsylvania       | Bitnet  : JUTBAAA@IUPOAK                       |
|  Indiana, Pennsylvania  |                                                |
|         U.S.A.          | Snail   : Dont even bother.                    |
|  DISCLAIMER:   I never said that. You must have been zzz'ing on the job  |