[comp.dcom.modems] FAQ for comp.dcom.modems

em@dce.ie (Eamonn McManus) (11/16/90)

I promised a while back to try to construct a Frequently Asked Questions
list for this newsgroup.  After thinking about it a good deal, I decided
that the most concise and helpful format for it would be a lexicon,
defining the terms people are most likely to encounter and in some cases
providing additional information.

In a later message I will be posting the first draft of the lexicon.
Corrections and suggestions for this will be very welcome.  In particular I
am unsure of the entries for PEP and spoofing; someone more knowledgeable
about these may be able to help me out.

As well as the lexicon, I think there needs to be a more general welcome
message including the following:
* Other newsgroups which may be more appropriate for your discussion, e.g.,
  comp.dcom.telecom, comp.mail.uucp, comp.protocols.misc.
* Some texts on modems and datacomms in general (suggestions welcome).
* Comparison of existing modems, in terms of features provided, standards
  supported, and price.

I am uncomfortable with the last of these since I work for a company that
manufactures modems.  Perhaps someone else would volunteer to collect the
Eamonn McManus <em@dce.ie>
`Underwater goats with snorkels and flippers.'