[comp.dcom.modems] Interlan TCP/IP Novell Gateway SMTP Problem

joe@acmis.cmis.co.at (Johannes Rupp) (11/22/90)

We have a problem getting the SMTP mail connection running between our
INTERLAN TCP/IP Novell Gateway and any other computer running TCP/IP.

Our Novell configuration is as:

   Advanced Netware 286 V2.15
   Interlan TCP/IP gateway with the NP600G board installed
   Interlan TCP/IP gateway software V1.4

   The Interlan TCP/IP gateway is installed in the Novell server.

Our problem:

1.) Sending mails via SMTP from a UNIX host (also using TCP/IP) and an
   IBM host (again using TCP/IP via an IBM3172 controller) to the
   Novell server (via the Interlan TCP/IP gateway) works fine.

2.) Sending mails from a PC workstation in the Novell network using the
   Interlan MAILWS program (part of the Interlan TCP/IP gateway software
   distribution) to either the UNIX host or the IBM host fails.

   Watching the network traffic uncovers the following situation:

         Interlan TCP/IP gateway             UNIX host
       	   sends TCP/IP packet           sends TCP/IP packet
         =======================       ========================

        initiates a connection to
        UNIX host

				      220 acmis.cmis.co.at Sendmail ready at ...

        HELO *
             How can I change the Interlan TCP/IP gatway configuration
             to make the gateway sending out the actual TCP/IP gateway
             hostname instead of the '*' character?

-    In any mail received by the UNIX host the return address is always build up


     I guess the '*' in the domain name instead of the host name comes from 
     the HELO * of above.

-    Sending mails to the IBM host is even impossible as the MAILSW program
     immediately returns with the messages:

         Trying to connect to dpcenter.cmis.co.at...
         Syntax Error. Start Domain with 'a'..'z' or 'A'..'Z'
         Connection to remote host failed.
         Mail saved in "SYS:MAIL/B70187\DEAD.LET"

     In this case it won't send no mail at all to the IBM host
     Also in this case the TCP/IP Interlan gatway sends a HELO *
     packet to the IBM host. The only difference is that the IBM
     implementation of TCP/IP refuses to accept the * instead of
     a hostname completely.

Sending mails between the IBM and UNIX hosts works in both directions.

My guess is that we have missed something during the installation of the
Interlan TCP/IP gateway software. What I would like to know is just what
we missed.

Any help is welcome.

Best regards,


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