[comp.dcom.modems] zoom v.42.bis

rlewis@beach.csulb.edu (Ralph Lewis) (11/23/90)

I recently purchased a ZOOM 2400 V.42,bis modem which connects
nicely to our university network. My standard 2400 baud modem
was spastic on the connection and I had to send a break character
to avoid a no carrier condition.
Our network modems are 9600/48/24/12/3 baud mnp-2,3,4,5 CCITT v.32,v.22bis
and V.22 bell 212/103 and v.25bis.
So the spects drop down to a lower v level but the network modems can
run at a higher speed. 
My question is, does anyone have any idea  what the actual throughput
of these modems are after the modems with these different specifications
Ralph Lewis,csulb