[comp.dcom.modems] Telebit T1600 & T2500

kjh@pollux.usc.edu (Kenneth J. Hendrickson) (12/08/90)

A Telebit representative told me that the T2500 uses the Rockwell chip
set for V.32, but the T1600 uses DSP for V.32.  I thought that I read
that all of  Telebit's modems use DSP for V.32.  Perhaps I only
(wrongly) infered it from something I read here.  In any case, this is
the information I got from Paul Bakewell, a Telebit representative in

favourite oxymorons:   student athlete, military justice, mercy killing
Ken Hendrickson N8DGN/6       kjh@usc.edu      ...!uunet!usc!pollux!kjh

grr@cbmvax.commodore.com (George Robbins) (12/09/90)

In article <28681@usc> kjh@pollux.usc.edu (Kenneth J. Hendrickson) writes:
> A Telebit representative told me that the T2500 uses the Rockwell chip
> set for V.32, but the T1600 uses DSP for V.32.  I thought that I read
> that all of  Telebit's modems use DSP for V.32.  Perhaps I only
> (wrongly) infered it from something I read here.  In any case, this is
> the information I got from Paul Bakewell, a Telebit representative in
> L.A.

Apparently Telebit originally thought they could do V.32 with the DSP
they used in the Trailblazers modems.  Either the processor didn't have
enough oomph, or their programmers didn't and they ended up kludging a
little auxilliary PCB into the T2500 that used the Rockwell V.32 chipset
to handle the V.32 part of the job.

I guess with the T1600, they finally got at least part of their act
together, assuming the result is satisfactory!

George Robbins - now working for,     uucp:   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing:   domain: grr@cbmvax.commodore.com
Commodore, Engineering Department     phone:  215-431-9349 (only by moonlite)

cec@cup.portal.com (Cerafin E Castillo) (12/11/90)

It is true, the T2500 and T1500 modems are Rockwell chipset based
V.32 implementations.  This was the only way to bring product to
market fast enough to compete with the other V.32 modems which had
a head start on Telebit way back in 1988.  A DSP solution was
desired all the time and finally came to light in the T1600.  Now
we have to wait and see when Telebit decides to put PEP and V.32/V.32bis
on the same DSP engine, as someone on the net called it "a T2600"?!

I'm glad Paul Bakewell gave you the straight scoop, I used to work
for him at Telebit.

Hope this helps.

Cerafin E. Castillo                       ||      //\\  ||\\  ||
Network Consultant                        ||     //__\\ || \\ ||  Los Altos
Los Altos Networks                        ||    // ---\\||  \\||  Networks
340 Second St. #6                         ||___//      \ |   \ |
Los Altos, CA  94022
(415) 941-8031      UUCP:     {apple,sun,uunet}!portal!cup.portal.com!cec
                INTERNET:     cec@cup.portal.com

                      "...No hay mal que por bien no venga..."