[comp.dcom.modems] welcome to faxtasy island: group IIIbis

eli@pws.bull.com (Steve Elias) (12/13/90)

hello and welcome to comp.dcom.fax.  this group is for discussing
fax hardware, software, and protocols.  it is intended as a
replacement for alt.fax.  

a few words about something interesting that's happening in 
the world o fax:  Group IIIbis.  apparently this enhancement to 
the group III standard is rather controversial.  the gist of the 
proposal is to enhance to Group III standard to include digital 
transmission media up to 64kbps, and the Group IV encoding standard,
which takes advantage of reliable digital media.

France and Japan oppose Group IIIbis.  does anyone know how the US 
faxmodem chip makers are standing on this issue?  (rockwell,
signetics, ?)  

i've also heard about proposals to enhance group III with the
resolutions supported by group IV (400x400, for one).  this presents
an interesting technical problem for the fax board and fax machine
manufacturers:  resolution conversion on the fly.


/* eli@spdcc.com  eli@pws.bull.com    617 932 5598  508 294 7556  */