[comp.dcom.modems] Line Noi{se

bzs@world.std.com (Barry Shein) (12/30/90)

We seem to have intermittant line noise problems, no doubt about it.
When we get complaints we get bunches of them from different customers
around the same time, then things seem to calm down.

These are people coming in with all sorts of modems, we have a mix of
T2500s and PP2400/MNP modems. Not sure if which modem they come in on
makes a difference although I suspect the T2500 of being generally
superior, but we do get problems.

I spoke with the phone company here in Brookline once. That
precipitated them calling our hunt group and then they called me with
a conversation like "WHAZZAT A FAX?", "no, a computer modem", "WELL
SOUNDS GOOD TO ME!" (the people that test these things all seem to be
a little deaf, unnerving.)

Hmm. Anyhow...

My REQUEST is for anecdotes on how you've dealt with these problems:

	1. How did you measure the problem? Did anyone at the
	phone company respect your measurements?

	2. In-house things to check or, even better, ways to
	measure if the problem might be in-house (we're in
	a commercial building, but could do a little crawling
	around in the phone closets.)

	3. Ways to deal with the phone company, titles or services
	to ask for (I remember some years ago there were flat rate
	line-cleanup services from the local Telco, NE Telco, but
	when I mentioned this they acted like I was nuts.)

	4. Anything else that might be helpful.

E-mail or post, I suspect many will read and save your experiences.

        -Barry Shein

Software Tool & Die    | {xylogics,uunet}!world!bzs | bzs@world.std.com
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