[comp.dcom.modems] Amstrad ppc640 modem

John_Hicks@f170.n771.z3.fidonet.org (John Hicks) (01/06/91)

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I have an amstrad ppc640 with internal modem.  The computer came with the 
mirror 2 comms program as part of the package and the documentation was 
included in the ppc manual as a result.  It said in the docs at the 
conclusion of the mirror docs (for the integral modem) NOT to try and run 
the modem using battery power.  I took this to be the internal batteries and 
thought the reason would be because of the power drain on them.  I connected 
up a 12 volt 6.5 Amp-hour battery to the supplied cigarette lighter adapter 
cord to power the computer and therefore the modem and everything seemed to 
work fine, for a while.  Anyway, I let the battery drain of power while 
still using the internal modem so getting a high pitched whistle out of the 
ppc's speaker (this happens when the internal batteries are getting drained 
and are an indication they need changing (when using the pc for ordinary 
purposes and not for modem!)  After that, the mirror 2 software kept 
crashing on me even though I made a fresh copy from the original disk.  
Other comms software works really well (I'm currently using procomm) with 
absolutely no problems whatsoever.  Can anyone suggest what has happened to 
the mirror software.  It HAS been virus tested and is clean (SCAN V.67).  
 * Origin: Genesis - The Home of Magnum - Christchurch *NZ* (3:770/110)
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