s37837k@saha.hut.fi (Jari Lehto) (02/08/91)
I have recently bought Ace(e)x DM-9600M, a V.32 MNP 5 modem. The problem is that I can not find correct settings for it. The remote-ends are USR 2400e, USR Courier HST DS and a Nokia V.32 MNP 4 modems. Mainly these. So I would like to set my Acex so that it uses locked terminal baud rate (19200bps) with RTS/CTS or XON/XOFF flow-control and error-correction MNP class 4-5. The problem now is that the connection is unstabile. Even with MNP on, there are marks missing, replaced by others (like $-sign) or strange marks appear from nowhere. Strangest is that those responses that modem sends to the terminal are corrupted. OK turns to be just K. CONNECT 9600T/REL COMPRESSED may become CONECT 9600T/REL COMPESD. I use this modem currently with 286 AT, and it will be mainly used with Atari ST. I have only once tried it with ST before, and then it acted normally. (seemed to, no MNP & stuff related was used) Any advice, a list of correct settings would be highly appreciated!!! Email or followup, which suits you better... Jartsu *** Jari Lehto, jartsu@otax.hut.fi, s37837k@saha.hut.fi ***
miked@syscon%nstar.rn.com (Mike DeMetz) (02/08/91)
s37837k@saha.hut.fi (Jari Lehto) writes: >So I would like to set my Acex so that it uses locked terminal baud rate >(19200bps) with RTS/CTS or XON/XOFF flow-control and error-correction The ST will need a program likr TURBOCTS to correctly use RTS/CTS harware handshaking.Supposedly they fixed the bug in TOS 1.4 but I have heard that there are still problems with handshaking. >Atari ST. I have only once tried it with ST before, and then it acted