[comp.dcom.modems] Why does disconnect cause garbage before NO CARRIER?

ho@hoss.unl.edu (Tiny Bubbles...) (02/12/91)

In <653@twg.bc.ca> bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) writes:

>I have had an annoying problem that I would like to eliminate.
>Frequently, although not always, when disconnecting from a
>Unix/Xenix system by entering ^D to log out, a mess of control
>charters is spewed to the screen before the carrier is dropped.

This is caused by the loss of carrier itself.  During that time,
the modem is missing the underlying carrier and spews random
garbage.  It's not the fault of the host system, but rather of the
modem and protocol used.  (For example, local BBS'es would cause
this effect also.)

>I have some systems that I connect to which, upon log out,
>produce no garbage whatsoever - then a NO CARRIER;  and others
>that produce no garbage, but give a new login prompt so that I
>must manually tell the modem to hang up.

1.  No garbage:  Probably your 9600-baud lines, and 2400-baud hookups
which are using an error-correcting protocol such as MNP.  These will
"eat" the trash so that you won't see it on the screen.  In reality,
the modem is waiting for the corrected data to come.  It never does.  
It's told to drop carrier first.

2.  Manually:  The host modem never drops carrier, and you have to hang
up on it.  By definition, if you hang up on someone, the modem "knows"
that you did it.  On the other hand, if the other end hangs up on you,
it takes a while (see below) to figure out that it happened.

3.  #&$*(%(!!^%*(#@ NO CARRIER:  Non-error-corrected lines will exhibit
this behavior.  The garbage comes from the lack of carrier and will last
for a length of time determined by a modem setting.  Try using "ATS10=2"
and see if that reduces the length of the garbage.  If so, that's the
culprit.  (You will never be able to completely eliminate the garbage...
at least, I don't think so.  I'm not a modem engineer.  Toby?)
        ... Michael Ho, University of Nebraska
Internet: ho@hoss.unl.edu | "Mine... is the last voice that you will ever hear."
Disclaimer:  Views expressed within are purely personal and should not be
	     applied to the Daily Nebraskan or any university department.

tnixon@hayes.uucp (02/12/91)

In article <653@twg.bc.ca>, bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) asked about 
why he sometimes sees garbage on the screen when he logs off.  
Michael Ho has already given a very good response: that 
non-error-control modems will often spew garbage during the time 
between when the carrier is lost and when they actually disconnect 
the line, and that error-control modems generally hide this from the 
user.  There's not much you can do about it on non-error-control 
calls, except make the modem more sensitive to carrier loss by 
reducing the S10 time (but even this won't eliminate it entirely).  
Another choice is to simply hang up the phone yourself (+++, then 
ATH), but this leaves your session active on the remote until IT 
detects the carrier loss, which may be a security breach and cause 
other problems.

I did want to comment further on one point:  this problem is MUCH 
worse with V.32 modems than with V.22bis.  Why?  Becuase V.32 modems 
use echo cancellation, and thus have a much more difficult time 
determining when the remote modem has actually disconnected from the 
line.  When the remote disconnects, it changes the echo 
characteristics of the circuit, confusing the echo canceller.  Many 
modems, but not all, detect this situation and hang up, but it is by 
no means instantaneous (you don't want the modem hanging up on just 
a burst of line noise).  There are ways to take help, such as 
sending a period of unmodulated carrier first rather than simply 
hanging up the line, so that the other modem's echo canceller 
continues to work properly and so that the remote modem can detect 
the loss of signal properly.  But the best way is to use an 
error-control protocol, since all such protocols include a 
"disconnect" function in the protocol itself, which is used to 
signal the remote modem the desire to terminate the connection.  

Fortunately, most V.32 modems being sold today do have error control 
built in; smooth disconnections are just another reason not to buy 
non-error-control V.32 modem for async applications.

Bill did mention that he has some proprietary (non-V.32) 9600 
modems.  I should point out that _every_ proprietary 9600 modulation 
scheme in common use (PEP, HST, MNP6, Hayes, Vadic, etc.) all 
_require_ the use of error control; you can't use the modulation 
scheme without error control enabled, at least in async operation 
(Hayes does allow synchronous non-error-control ping-pong 
operation).  Therefore, you should never see garbage on 
disconnection from any of the proprietary schemes.

	-- Toby

Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer    | Voice   +1-404-449-8791  Telex 151243420
Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc. | Fax     +1-404-447-0178  CIS   70271,404
P.O. Box 105203                   | UUCP uunet!hayes!tnixon  AT&T    !tnixon
Atlanta, Georgia  30348  USA      | Internet       hayes!tnixon@uunet.uu.net

flinton@eagle.wesleyan.edu (02/14/91)

In article <653@twg.bc.ca>, bill@twg.bc.ca (Bill Irwin) asked about 
why he sometimes sees garbage on the screen when he logs off.  

That happens to me at times, too: when using plain vanilla 2400 to Wesleyan,
which simply drops carrier after logout, I get such bursts of ASCII (once even
the escape sequence for locking my keyboard!); on the other hand, using the
same plain vanilla 2400 to AT&T Mail, the cutoff is spotlessly clean.  From
trying at 300, where I can distinguish mark from space by ear, I dicover
that AT&T Mail sends a really long break after logout, and only then drops
carrier -- that break is long enough to convince my modem of CARRIER LOST,
and it hangs up cleanly.

MNP-4 connections, like those to MCI Mail, have always been clean at logout.

-- Fred  <flinton@eagle.Wesleyan.EDU>  <fejlinton@{att|mci}mail.com>

necka@motcid.UUCP (William J. Necka) (02/15/91)

In article <3773.27b7e1b6@hayes.uucp> tnixon@hayes.uucp writes:

>Bill did mention that he has some proprietary (non-V.32) 9600 
>modems.  I should point out that _every_ proprietary 9600 modulation 
>scheme in common use (PEP, HST, MNP6, Hayes, Vadic, etc.) all 
>_require_ the use of error control; you can't use the modulation 
>scheme without error control enabled, at least in async operation 
>(Hayes does allow synchronous non-error-control ping-pong 
>operation).  Therefore, you should never see garbage on 
>disconnection from any of the proprietary schemes.

	One small correction. The USR HST does allow none error controlled
async operation. The draw back is that that the modem will not be able
to switch the high speed channel. This means that depending on if your
modem answered or originated, you will have the high speed or low speed
channel. If memory serves me correctly, setting AT&M0&N6 will accomplish 
this. The &N6 forces the modem to connect at 9600. Both modems need to
be configured the same. This feature has been in all the past USR HSTs, but
it was never popular.
      --          x                              || William Necka -
   __/  \__/\/\/\/ \____     Motorola Cellular   ||    uunet!motcid!necka
  /  \__/  \      _/ [][\_ Arlignton Heights Il. || Opinions expressed are not
  \__/  \__/     (________)    708-632-4435      || necessarily my employer's.

wallach@motcid.UUCP (Cliff H. Wallach) (02/16/91)

In article <6508@khaki8.UUCP> necka@motcid.UUCP (William J. Necka) writes:

-	One small correction. The USR HST does allow none error controlled
-async operation. The draw back is that that the modem will not be able
-to switch the high speed channel. This means that depending on if your
-modem answered or originated, you will have the high speed or low speed
-channel. If memory serves me correctly, setting AT&M0&N6 will accomplish 
-this. The &N6 forces the modem to connect at 9600. Both modems need to
-be configured the same. This feature has been in all the past USR HSTs, but
-it was never popular.

This was originally a test mode from the time before MNP was
implemented; however, a surprising number of customers use this mode.

Synchronous operation is possible by setting &M1&N[4..8] 

Cliff Wallach				...uunet!motcid!wallach