[comp.dcom.modems] Thinly-veiled ads in c.d.modems

ho@hoss.unl.edu (Tiny Bubbles...) (03/04/91)

I realize that all of these order forms and press releases are serving a
purpose -- informing BBS sysops of low-cost modem offers -- but nonetheless,
aren't there Internet regulations against commercial advertising?  (Does
this apply if you're just republishing an existing ad, and are not 
associated with the company involved, as is the situation with the two
long postings I just read today?)

I envision a 9600-baud modem war, with every c.d.modems subscriber posting
a description of their favorite modem, along with phone numbers and prices,
for all to peruse.

[And as an aside, wasn't that USR "survey" a riot?  Looks like we know where
 they're making up part of that "lost" money -- they may very well be selling
 that demographic info they're collecting...]
        ... Michael Ho, University of Nebraska
Internet: ho@hoss.unl.edu  |  SAVE THE LOG.  SAVE THE COFFEE.  SAVE THE PIE.
Disclaimer:  Views expressed within are purely personal and should not be
	     applied to any university agency.