[comp.dcom.modems] Multi-Tech modem for bidirectional use

ibarra@DPW.COM (Michael Ibarra) (03/07/91)


	I would like to use a Multi-Tech 224 modem for both, dial-in & dial-
out purposes. I have tried several settings on my modem (which uses standard
hayes type commands) and I was sucessful for dialing in to my machine and     
sucessful when dialing out to *send* files. The problem I encounter is when
my machine attempts to recieve files/mail using uucico. I know for certain
that mail is waiting for me but my machine never receives them. My machine
(3B2/300) eventually gives the following message (something like this:)
OO,0 Converastion Complete STATUS:FAILED
	I am hoping someone has had similiar problems and can help me with this


			Mike Ibarra
Please respond to: cmcl2!esquire!ibarra or ibarra@dpw.com

Voice: (212)530-4119 FAX: (212)530-4800