[comp.dcom.modems] INFO-MODEMS Digest V91 #133

xx023@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (IBM-PC SIG) (03/08/91)

Hi guys,
I just received Telebit T1600, and I want to say that I am amzed!
I works fine out of the box, setup with Procomm was a breezee - 
both modem and PCPLUS 2.0 has prepared sutups (of course, PCP 
do not realize that I have 1600 - I picked up T2000). DTE locked
at 19,200 and WOW ! It is quick!. First connection with DS - and
transfer rate 960 cps on zipped file....
Next, setup for GT Powercomm - 5 minutes, and it works again....

Purchased from Cal Abco for $484, phone 1-800-669-2756, take 3 days
to get this babe here.

Standard disclaimer: I'm in no way connected with anyone of above
mentioned, but I am a satisfied customer....

Zbig Tyrlik, Co-sysop IBM PC SIG, aa609@cleveland.freenet.edu
..........No money return on free advices (but you can pay if you want)
Akdamia Pana Kleksa GTPN 022/009 (216)-932-3708 - 38,400 soon!!!

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     The IBM SIG (xx023) is moderated by Gail Hall (aa571),
Tim Dedula (aa252), Rick Arnest (aa580), or Zbig Tyrlik (aa609)
               Opinions are those of the authors.