pjh@mccc.edu (Peter J. Holsberg) (03/19/91)
I have two Telebit Trailblazer +s on an AT&T 6386 with an Equinox Megaports board. Both are set up to be bidirectional and are running the uugetty that comes with AT&T UNIX SV/386 R3.2.2. 'Blazer 1 is set up to start at 19200, while 2 is set to start at 2400 bps via entries in /etc/inittab. Blazer 2 does PEP tones last; blazer 1 does them first. I've set them both up according to the latest SV-setup file from Telebit as archived on UUNET (including changing /etc/gettydefs), but I'm running into problems. They suggest locking the interface at 19200, setting S50=0, and not cycling in /etc/gettydefs. This has caused much grief, probably because outgoing calls at 19200 do something nasty to blazer 2 so that subsequent incoming calls connect but the caller never gets a login: prompt. So I changed to S50=0, S51=254, s58=0, s66=0, and went back to a cycling /etc/gettydefs. Now outgoing calls seem OK, but incoming calls to blazer 2 at 19200 never see 'login:' (at 2400, they are fine). Is blazer 2 going bad? Who in central NJ fixes them? Thanks, Pete -- Prof. Peter J. Holsberg Mercer County Community College Voice: 609-586-4800 Engineering Technology, Computers and Math UUCP:...!princeton!mccc!pjh 1200 Old Trenton Road, Trenton, NJ 08690 Internet: pjh@mccc.edu Trenton Computer Festival -- 4/20-21/91