[comp.dcom.modems] v.32bis sent on v.32 order

bruce@camb.com (Barton F. Bruce) (03/28/91)

A friend ordered a USR v.32 modem and it came with a sticker on the
box proclaiming "Now with V.32bis". Same price.

Another brand says they will simply be shipping v.32bis within a few weeks
instead of v.32 modems. They have BOTH today, but would rather not chase the 
plummeting v.32 prices into the sewer. By giving v.32bis, they will leave
the price locked where it has been for quite a while.

Anyone else get a v.32bis without asking for it? 

Anybody know of other companies about to simply include v.32bis?

Any v.32bis/FAX versions have v.17 FAX or whatever it is yet?

hoepfner@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov (PATRICK HOEPFNER) (03/29/91)

In article <1991Mar28.042403.39653@camb.com>, bruce@camb.com (Barton F. Bruce) writes...
>A friend ordered a USR v.32 modem and it came with a sticker on the
>box proclaiming "Now with V.32bis". Same price.
>Another brand says they will simply be shipping v.32bis within a few weeks
>instead of v.32 modems. They have BOTH today, but would rather not chase the 
>plummeting v.32 prices into the sewer. By giving v.32bis, they will leave
>the price locked where it has been for quite a while.
>Anyone else get a v.32bis without asking for it? 
>Anybody know of other companies about to simply include v.32bis?
>Any v.32bis/FAX versions have v.17 FAX or whatever it is yet?

   USR has a free upgrade to V.32bis from the V.32 (V.42 to V.42bis were
also a free upgrade).

   I have seen two V.32bis/V.42bis + Send/Receive Fax modems.  Promethius
makes one called the ProModem Ultima.  I don't recall the other.  Since I
own a Macintosh the Ultima is nice because it includes the cabling and
software for FAXing.  The other brand didn't.

   Again, I don't know what platform you have but the FAX stuff can be
pretty miserable if you you have to do it on a PC or unix machine by
exporting all your files as text and sending them through a utility to
convert the file to a faxable document (and loosing all of your

   On the Macintosh you can treat the FAX modem just like a printer.  This
means that your software (Word processing, graphics, etc) doesn't know or
care that you are not using a printer and the FAX machine on the other end
gets your graphics and word processing documents with formatting intact.

   There may be better FAXing stuff that I have seen for the PC's or Unix
machines.  Just that since the Macintoch was built to do graphics, the
FAXing can be done easily.

schuster@panix.uucp (Michael Schuster) (03/30/91)

In article <1991Mar28.042403.39653@camb.com> bruce@camb.com (Barton F. Bruce) writes:
>A friend ordered a USR v.32 modem and it came with a sticker on the
>box proclaiming "Now with V.32bis". Same price.

This is to be expected, since USR has not manufactured V.32-only modems
since December. Since December 17 they are V.32bis compliant (or at least
claim to be).

 Mike Schuster                                      |    CIS: 70346,1745
 NY Public Access UNIX:  ...cmcl2!panix!schuster    |    MCI Mail, GENIE:
 The Portal (R) System:  schuster@cup.portal.com    |           MSCHUSTER