[comp.dcom.modems] available modems

bryan@marlin.NOSC.MIL (Dale Bryan) (04/25/91)

i'm looking for info on board level modems that are currently
on the market that have the following features:

	full duplex and half duplex operation
	v.22,v.26,v.27,v.29,v.33 compatibility
	fallback from v.33 to all the above standards
	adaptive echo cancellation and equalization
	adaptive carrier deviation correction
	small package size

also, does anyone know of another multicarrier type modem besides
Telebit modems.

thanks in advance

dale bryan
email: bryan@marlin.nosc.mil

tnixon@hayes.uucp (04/25/91)

In article <1744@marlin.NOSC.MIL>, bryan@marlin.NOSC.MIL (Dale
Bryan) writes: 

> i'm looking for info on board level modems that are currently
> on the market that have the following features:
> 	full duplex and half duplex operation
> 	v.22,v.26,v.27,v.29,v.33 compatibility
> 	fallback from v.33 to all the above standards
> 	adaptive echo cancellation and equalization
> 	adaptive carrier deviation correction
> 	small package size

This is a strange request -- because, of the five modulations you've 
listed, four are _leased line only_; only V.22 is for dial-up.  V.26 
_bis_ and V.26 _ter_ are dial-up modems, but not V.26.  V.27ter is 
dialup, but not V.27 or V.27bis.  V.29 is not dial-up, although some 
companies have produced proprietary half-duplex versions of V.29 for 
dial-up applications.  V.33 is definitely not suitable for dial-up, 
because the turnaround time in a half-duplex mode would be on the 
ourder of 1.4 seconds.  I know of NO modem that implements all of 
the modulations you're looking for -- in fact, I don't know of any 
that even support two of them.  You rarely see modems intended for 
leased-line use combined into a single box (and definitely not with 
automatic fallback!)

Can you explain your requirements a bit more?  Why do you need these 
specific modulation schemes -- all in one modem?

> also, does anyone know of another multicarrier type modem besides
> Telebit modems.

The only other company I'm aware of that sells multicarrier modems 
for dial-up applications is Forval America in Midvale, Utah.  Uh, on 
second thought, I think they've announced it, but that they're not 
shipping yet.  Their design is for a multicarrier modem with echo 
cancellation (full duplex!), but I think they've been delaying 
introduction to see how the CCITT V.fast work progresses.  I believe 
Ven-Tel also sells multicarrier modems, bbut they're licensed from 
(and probably built by) Telebit; Anderson-Jacobsen and DCA also 
(used to) sell repackaged Telebit Trailblazers.

Toby Nixon, Principal Engineer    | Voice   +1-404-840-9200  Telex 151243420
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