[comp.dcom.modems] V.32 vs Telebit: Which to buy?

petty@ralvm31.vnet.ibm.com ("Jack Petty") (05/23/91)

Michigan Network Systems writes:

> With V.32, if the line gets noisy, its drops
> back to half its normal speed (usually 4800bps). If the line gets even
> worse, it will drop the connection altogether. Even if the connection
> doesn't drop, V.32 cannot re-train back up to a higher speed.

Please put the word "Telebit" in front of each occurrence of "V.32"
above.  There is at least one modem on the market that will drop from
4800 bps to 2400 bps and there appear to be at least 3 that will
fall forward.  I just can not find anything in the V.32 recommendation
that forbids fall back below 4800 bps or fall forward from 4800 to
9600 bps.
Jack Petty

tech@mich-ns.Michigan.COM (Mich. Network Sys. TECH SUPPORT) (05/26/91)

In article <9105242326.AA06136@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU" petty@ralvm31.vnet.ibm.com ("Jack Petty") writes:
"Michigan Network Systems writes:
"> With V.32, if the line gets noisy, its drops
"> back to half its normal speed (usually 4800bps). If the line gets even
"> worse, it will drop the connection altogether. Even if the connection
"> doesn't drop, V.32 cannot re-train back up to a higher speed.
"Please put the word "Telebit" in front of each occurrence of "V.32"
"above.  There is at least one modem on the market that will drop from
"4800 bps to 2400 bps and there appear to be at least 3 that will
"fall forward.  I just can not find anything in the V.32 recommendation
"that forbids fall back below 4800 bps or fall forward from 4800 to
"9600 bps.
"Jack Petty

Yes, I stand corrected. You are correct in saying that there is nothing
in the V.32 standard which forbids a fallback to 2400 or a fall forward.

To jump forward again takes some witchcraft that most V.32 modem makers
haven't implemented (including Telebit).  V.32bis can bounce forward
again, but I'm not sure of the mechanism (read: "havent had time to
read the tech notes on V.32bis completly") 

Michigan Network Systems                         Technical Support Division
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