[comp.dcom.modems] Avatex 1200: Life after death?

jsaker@zeus.unomaha.edu (Jamie Saker -- Vice President, UNO ACE) (05/20/91)

I picked up an Avatex 1200 headed for the dumpster this evening at work
and thought I could see if I couldn't find a use for it at home -- 
it apparently works (however, it's pin settings are all goofy since it
had to work with a really unusual setup). It powers up, but there is
no response at the keyboard (AT commands) with a good terminal and
good cable.

Would anybody happen to know the proper dip switch settings (say, to hook 
up with a dumb VT220 terminal - the same settings as most micros) for the 
Avatex 1200?

Many thanks in advance!

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jamie Saker				    jsaker@zeus.unomaha.edu (Internet).
Vice President 			    	 	jsaker@unoma1 (BITNET). 
Director, Information Services						      .
UNO Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs				      .
CBA 503, UNO								      .
Omaha, NE  68182		ACE: Join us today... or work for us tomorrow .
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

skipm@dorsai (Dorsai SysOp) (06/01/91)

jsaker@zeus.unomaha.edu (Jamie Saker -- Vice President, UNO ACE) writes:

> Would anybody happen to know the proper dip switch settings (say, to hook 
> up with a dumb VT220 terminal - the same settings as most micros) for the 
> Avatex 1200?
> Many thanks in advance!

Call their tech support line @ 1-800-4AVATEX (no joke....). I was 
wondering - does AVATEX even still exist?

** SkipM@DORSAI.com   -  The Dorsai Embassy / Dorsai Diplomatic Mission **
** (Systems Manager)  -  Consulate : (212) 431-1944                     **
** "The difference between a good man, and a bad man, is the choice of  **
**  cause." - Unknown                                                   **