[comp.dcom.modems] Running a DOS BBS in Unix

evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) (06/01/91)

The exact setup that my friend has is the following:

        SCO Unix 3.2 with Open Desktop
        USR Courier HST
        Com2: locked at 38400 bps

What we would like to do is run a DOS BBS in the Open Desktop.  The BBS 
would run with a FOSSIL driver in use.  Also, many doors would be run off of 
the BBS.  Would anyone have any suggestions or comments that could help ups 
with setting up this system?


larry@nstar.rn.com (Larry Snyder) (06/03/91)

evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) writes:

>        SCO Unix 3.2 with Open Desktop
>        Com2: locked at 38400 bps

>the BBS.  Would anyone have any suggestions or comments that could help ups 
>with setting up this system?

It won't work  - due to the overhead associated with SCO's open desktop not
allowing the serial port to run under Merge at 38400.

If you want to run a DOS BBS - run it under DOS without UNIX.  If you want
to run a UNIX BBS - that will also be a problem with SCO due to their
poor implementation of their ASY drivers.

      Larry Snyder, NSTAR Public Access Unix 219-289-0287/317-251-7391
                        regional UUCP mapping coordinator 
               {larry@nstar.rn.com, ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!larry}

evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) (06/04/91)

Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  If it is 
memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, but I could see a 
slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a DOS board under 


splee@pogo.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy) (06/04/91)

In article <ieNZ32w163w@isishq.fidonet.org> evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) writes:
>Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  If it is 
>memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, but I could see a 
>slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a DOS board under 
I subscribe to a Exec-PC in Wisconsin, which IS running a DOS bbs under
Unix. They have multiple networked 386/486 running Unix (Don't know which)
and 213 phone lines! So it IS possible. Of course, the Sysop may have
written custom drivers. I don't know. However he is able to support V.32bis
modems running V.42bis at a DTE rate of 38.4K, so he doesn't seem to
have a problem with a slow comm driver.

Seng-Poh Lee

root@zswamp.uucp (Geoffrey Welsh) (06/04/91)

Evan Champion (evanc@isishq.fidonet.org ) wrote:

 >Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  
 >If it is 
 >memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, 
 >but I could see a 
 >slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a 
 >DOS board under Unix?

   Oh, it'll run... but I'm not sure that the FOSSIL will be able to keep up 
with 38,400 or perhaps even 19,200... remember that DOSMERGE is just one task 
under UNIX.

   Still, if you have the equipment, try it.  An NS16550AFN on your serial 
card would be a good idea, as would configuring DOSMERGE to claim exclusive 
ownership of that COM port (perhaps UNIX will be smart enough to invoke MERGE 
every time the serial port generates an interrupt).

Geoffrey Welsh - Operator, Izot's Swamp BBS (FidoNet 1:221/171)
root@zswamp.uucp or ..uunet!watmath!xenitec!zswamp!root
602-66 Mooregate Crescent, Kitchener, ON, N2M 5E6 Canada (519)741-9553
"He who claims to know everything can't possibly know much" -me

larry@nstar.rn.com (Larry Snyder) (06/05/91)

evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) writes:

>Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  If it is 
>memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, but I could see a 
>slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a DOS board under 

Not at high speeds --  2400 baud is possible - maybe even 9600 baud -
but forget 38400 

there are several problems - one is SCO's asy driver, and another is
DOS merge and/or VPIX itself.

If you want to run a DOS board - boot DOS.

      Larry Snyder, NSTAR Public Access Unix 219-289-0287/317-251-7391
                        regional UUCP mapping coordinator 
               {larry@nstar.rn.com, ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!larry}

root@zswamp.uucp (Geoffrey Welsh) (06/05/91)

In a letter to All, Larry Snyder (larry@nstar.rn.com ) wrote:

 >evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) writes:

>Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  If it is 
>memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, but I could see a 
>slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a DOS board under 

 >Not at high speeds --  2400 baud is possible - maybe even 
 >9600 baud - but forget 38400 

 >there are several problems - one is SCO's asy driver, and 
 >another is DOS merge and/or VPIX itself.

   That's why I suggested using a dumb DOS COM port (hopefully with an 
NS16550AFN) and telling VP/ix to claim exclusive lock on that port while it's 
running.  The FOSSIL will grab it directly and, with the help of the 16550, 
run it at high speed.  The asy driver has nothing to do with it.

   I have done this (a year or two back): I used Telix under Xenix 386 
2.3.something and VP/ix (probably 1.0) to run a T2500 at 19,200 bps.

 >If you want to run a DOS board - boot DOS.

   T'would be a shame to buy a whole new box if the place was *NIX 
oriented and the only DOS thing they wanted to do was run a one line BBS!

Geoffrey Welsh - Operator, Izot's Swamp BBS (FidoNet 1:221/171)
root@zswamp.uucp or ..uunet!watmath!xenitec!zswamp!root
602-66 Mooregate Crescent, Kitchener, ON, N2M 5E6 Canada (519)741-9553
"He who claims to know everything can't possibly know much" -me

evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) (06/06/91)

larry@nstar.rn.com (Larry Snyder) writes:

> evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) writes:
> >Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  If it is 
> >memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, but I could see a
> >slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a DOS board under 
> >Unix?
> Not at high speeds --  2400 baud is possible - maybe even 9600 baud -
> but forget 38400 
> there are several problems - one is SCO's asy driver, and another is
> DOS merge and/or VPIX itself.
> If you want to run a DOS board - boot DOS.
> -- 
>       Larry Snyder, NSTAR Public Access Unix 219-289-0287/317-251-7391
>                          HST/PEP/V.32/v.32bis/v.42bis 
>                         regional UUCP mapping coordinator 
>                {larry@nstar.rn.com, ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!larry}

Well it would not really be 38400...  It is 14400 plus compression, with the 
port locked at 38400.


larry@nstar.rn.com (Larry Snyder) (06/06/91)

root@zswamp.uucp (Geoffrey Welsh) writes:

>   T'would be a shame to buy a whole new box if the place was *NIX 
>oriented and the only DOS thing they wanted to do was run a one line BBS!

I disagree.  The could by an XT and use PCNFS or PCI to access the
drives on the UNIX box for about the same amount of money as VPIX / 4 megs RAM
and throughput would be just as good and there wouldn't be any additional
loading on the UNIX host.

      Larry Snyder, NSTAR Public Access Unix 219-289-0287/317-251-7391
                        regional UUCP mapping coordinator 
               {larry@nstar.rn.com, ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!larry}

evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) (06/07/91)

>    Still, if you have the equipment, try it.  An NS16550AFN on your serial 
> card would be a good idea, as would configuring DOSMERGE to claim exclusive 
> ownership of that COM port (perhaps UNIX will be smart enough to invoke MERGE
> every time the serial port generates an interrupt).
> --  
> Geoffrey Welsh - Operator, Izot's Swamp BBS (FidoNet 1:221/171)
> root@zswamp.uucp or ..uunet!watmath!xenitec!zswamp!root
> 602-66 Mooregate Crescent, Kitchener, ON, N2M 5E6 Canada (519)741-9553
> "He who claims to know everything can't possibly know much" -me

He has a NS16550AFN, so the FIFO's will buffer the input, so that isn't a 
problem.  I will tell him about configuring DOSMERGE to claim ownership of 
COM2.  Thanks for your help.


evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) (06/07/91)

>  >If you want to run a DOS board - boot DOS.
>    T'would be a shame to buy a whole new box if the place was *NIX 
> oriented and the only DOS thing they wanted to do was run a one line BBS!
> --  
> Geoffrey Welsh - Operator, Izot's Swamp BBS (FidoNet 1:221/171)
> root@zswamp.uucp or ..uunet!watmath!xenitec!zswamp!root
> 602-66 Mooregate Crescent, Kitchener, ON, N2M 5E6 Canada (519)741-9553
> "He who claims to know everything can't possibly know much" -me

Actually, if I can find the Searchlight port for Unix, all we will need the 
DOS for is Door programs, which would work out much better as we would be 3 
or 4 lines.


pascal@CAM.ORG (Pascal Gosselin) (06/10/91)

splee@pogo.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy) writes:

>In article <ieNZ32w163w@isishq.fidonet.org> evanc@isishq.fidonet.org (Evan Champion) writes:
>>Is this memory overhead or just that it will run too slowly.  If it is 
>>memory, then that isn't really a problem with 8 mb of RAM, but I could see a 
>>slow communications driver.  So, there is no way to run a DOS board under 
>I subscribe to a Exec-PC in Wisconsin, which IS running a DOS bbs under
>Unix. They have multiple networked 386/486 running Unix (Don't know which)
>and 213 phone lines! So it IS possible. Of course, the Sysop may have
>written custom drivers. I don't know. However he is able to support V.32bis
>modems running V.42bis at a DTE rate of 38.4K, so he doesn't seem to
>have a problem with a slow comm driver.

>Seng-Poh Lee

213 lignes???  Un bon candidat pour une Equinox 768 ports...

| Pascal Gosselin          | Internet: pascal@CAM.ORG Applelink: CDA0585 |
| Gest-Mac Inc. Apple VAR  |   Voice (514) 767-4444   Fax (514) 767-7337 |

root@zswamp.uucp (Geoffrey Welsh) (06/11/91)

Evan Champion (evanc@isishq.fidonet.org ) wrote:

 >Actually, if I can find the Searchlight port for Unix, all 
 >we will need the 
 >DOS for is Door programs, which would work out much better 
 >as we would be 3 or 4 lines.

   I think you'll find it much more difficult to let a DOS task run a door 
for a UNIX BBS program!

Geoffrey Welsh - Operator, Izot's Swamp BBS (FidoNet 1:221/171)
root@zswamp.uucp or ..uunet!watmath!xenitec!zswamp!root
602-66 Mooregate Crescent, Kitchener, ON, N2M 5E6 Canada (519)741-9553
"He who claims to know everything can't possibly know much" -me