brian@asci.UUCP (Brian Douglass) (06/26/87)
Keywords: I've been asked by a friend to research information about a super-size monitor. Essentially, what I am looking for is a color monitor that is 10 feet by 10 feet with a resolution of say 13,000 by 13,000--don't ask me what for because I don't know what for, I'm just the gumshoe--and any necessary equipment to drive it. (can you imagine what kind of equipment is necessary to drive 169 million pixels!) Basically, my friend needs to generate some very large images with extremely fine details. Color is preferable, but not absolute. Money is not really a concern at this moment, so lets hear anything you got. Also, if it means building it custom, that is what my friend wants to know. So IBM, RCA, Tektronik, HP, etc, if you're listening and have any experience in a monitor this large I would like to hear from you, as well as if you have any "off-the-top-of-you-head" price estimates send those along. I fully expect to hear in the millions, but that's okay. Right now, my friend needs to know if anybody has done this, or if anybody can do this. I know that there are also some analog systems out and about of this type of magnitude. Although not preferable, I would like to hear about them as well. Please E-mail only your responses to me as I am gone periodically on business and we keep only a days worth of news on our system for a myriad of reasons. However, I will summarize periodically to the responses I do receive, as I am sure there are others who are as fascinated as I with the leviathan proportions of this Mega-Monitor. Brian Douglass Applied Systems Consultants, Inc. (ASCI) P.O. Box 13301 Las Vegas, NV 89103 Office: (702) 733-6761 Home: (702) 871-8182 brian@asci.uucp UUCP: {akgua,ihnp4,mirror,psivax,sdcrdcf}!otto!jimi!asci!brian