(Ken Seefried iii) (05/24/88)
People have been making vauge references lately to some mythical terminal with an X server built in. I thought I'd clear the air a bit.... Visual introduced the 640 terminal at Comdex this year. The 640 has a 68000 processor, 2MB of RAM, a 1024x800 monochrome display and an ethernet interface. It also has an X11.2 server resident in ROM built on a proprietary real-time OS (created strictly to support X). It even works! Very well, I might add. I spent some time with this terminal and found it quite useable. Visual had 3 640's networked to a Sun3/50 in there booth. Price is "about $2000". I think that is a bit stiff, considering most educational institutions get diskless Sun3/50's for uder $4000. If Visual dropped the price of these down to about $1200, I don't think they could make enough off them. Visual also makes the 630, which is an ethernet terminal simply running TCP/IP, so you can rlogin to a node on your ethernet, instead o trying to run over a serial line (10M bps as oppsed to 19.2K bps). I have no price for this one. Visual can be reached at +1 617 459 4903. DISCLAIMER: I have no association, finacial or otherwise, with visual. ken seeffried iii