It is two tone blue with flickering white on black screen(Xray warnings) to the left of the keyboard it has three dip(itydoos) with 6, 7 and 7 dips respectively for the com setings. Under the hood (its a flip top) in the rear are two more swtches the left being a 6 and the right a 7. I'm no sure thier function. on the right front under the hood thier is a two way switch whose function is unknown. Near it is what may be a part# for the board. it is 129470-5. Once i figure out which lear siegler it is I'd like to see about getting docs and lower case rom. I think its a adm3 but it seems smarter. tnx in adv _______ _ __ _ _ __ __ Arthur Ernest Wright @ \ / / \ / / \ / \ / / / \ (503)344-7969 \ O / /__/ /__ / / /__/ / /__ \__ ___ _ _ _ \ / / / / / / / / | | |_ / | \ /\ | /\ /_ \/ v / /__ \_/ / /__ /__ \__/ | |_ \_ | | \/ |_ \/ \/ / (Ron Natalie) (04/01/89)
Does sound like the ol' Volkswagon Bug of Terminals, the ADM-3. The thing is distinguished from just about every other LSI terminal in that the lid (after removing the screws on the bottom) hinges back. The earlier ADM-1 and ADM-2 had a harder shell plastic case that drops over the top. The newer terminals all come with lower case as standard. -Ron