[comp.terminals] whats a sixel bit pattern?

mathew@jane.jpl.nasa.gov (Mathew Yeates) (07/26/89)

I'm trying to download a character set to my vt240 and I'm supposed
to use something called "sixel bit patterns".  I've got a Graphon
manual which uses the word "sixel" once and only once. The vt240
users guide says a bit more but not enough to be helpful.

Specifically, in my escape sequence I'm supposed to enter something of
the form S...S/..S for each character. Anybody know anything about this?


leichter@CS.YALE.EDU (Jerry Leichter) (07/26/89)

In article <1989Jul26.075128.19329@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>, mathew@jane.jpl.nasa.gov (Mathew Yeates) writes...
>I'm trying to download a character set to my vt240 and I'm supposed
>to use something called "sixel bit patterns".  I've got a Graphon
>manual which uses the word "sixel" once and only once. The vt240
>users guide says a bit more but not enough to be helpful.
>Specifically, in my escape sequence I'm supposed to enter something of
>the form S...S/..S for each character. Anybody know anything about this?

This is all documented in the VT240 PROGRAMMER'S guide, which even gives a
worked example.  Basically, it's simple:  The sixel protocol is a way of
encoding bitmaps in "typeable" characters.  A VT240 character cell is 10
bits high and either 6 (132-column) or 8 (80-column) bits wide.  Write out
your character as (say) a 8x10 array.  Draw a line between the 6th and 7th
rows.  The 6 rows above are the upper columns; the 4 below are the lower.
Proceed left to right, column by column, across the upper columns.  For
Take the 6 bits in a column and consider than as a binary number, with the
least significant bit at the top.  Evaluate that number and add 77 base 8
(i.e., 63).  The result is the sixel encoding for those bits.  Write out
the encoding for all the columns from left to right, then add a "/".  Now
go back and do the lower columns.  This time, consider them as 4-bit binary
numbers; the top bit remains the most significant one.

In case you are wondering where this bizarre encoding came from:  It was
originally designed for sending bitmaps to simple pin-head printers, which
had 6 pins and had to move across the page from left to right, filling in
6 rows before they could go back and do the next 6.  As often happens, the
encoding lived on in very different environments....

							-- Jerry