[comp.terminals] VT220 Keyboard Error 4

maddog@athena.mit.edu (Matthew J Marjanovic) (09/12/90)

Today I picked up a VT220 terminal from the MIT Equipment Exchange.
  It didn't have a keyboard attached to it, although a couple of 
  appropriate looking keyboards (Model LK201) were sitting nearby.

With or without a keyboard attached, the "VT220 Keyboard Error 4" came
  up on power up.  When the keyboard was hooked up, all for LED's were

Incidentally, there was another VT220 sitting next to the one I took which
  had the same problem.

(I would try known-to-be-working keyboard/terminal combinations, but I 
  can't find any VT220's in the immediate vicinity.)

So, my questions are:  what is Error 4, and is this a problem inside the 
  VT220 or inside the keyboard?

Thanks for any suggestions,

Matt Marjanovic          | "He who has never envied the vegetable,
maddog@athena.mit.edu    |    has missed the human drama."
                         |                      -- E.M. Cioran

lasko@regent.dec.com (Tim Lasko, Digital Equipment Corp., Westford, MA) (09/16/90)

In article <1990Sep11.224949.13808@athena.mit.edu>, maddog@athena.mit.edu (Matthew J Marjanovic) writes...
>So, my questions are:  what is Error 4, and is this a problem inside the 
>  VT220 or inside the keyboard?

Could be either.  On power-up, the VT220 tests the data lines to the keyboard,
then if those are ok, invokes the LK201 internal power-up test, and waits for
the keyboard to reply.  If any of these fail, Error 4 shows up.  Any of these
problems will cause this error: bad keyboard port on VT220, bad cable to LK201,
or just a dead LK201.

Tim Lasko, Digital Equipment Corp., Westford MA  (lasko@regent.enet.dec.com)
Disclaimer: My opinions are my own; the facts can speak for themselves.